Spa Pumps in Whitby and Toronto

by Oct 29, 2012

Spa pumps in Whitby and Toronto are one of the components that are usually compatible between different hot tub brands. Arctic Spas has the best pump available and it probably works in your hot tub even if it is not an Arctic. Typical hot tub pumps have a high failure rate. Think carefully before you put the same kind back in your spa! Typical hot tub pumps fail more often because they are internally cooled, allowing moist or dusty air to contaminate the interior components of the pump. The Whitewater spa pump from Arctic Spas is completely sealed and externally cooled to prevent premature failure.

Looking for a spa heater, jets, or other component? Many spa and hot tub parts are compatible with any brand, so even if your spa is not an Arctic we probably have the part you need.